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KV1 Deluxe

Excellent coffee variety combined with the highest technology

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The luxury version among the fully automatic coffee machines with 1 bean container The fully automatic machine for the demanding choice

Caffè crema, espresso, latte macchiato and more than 30 more specialty coffees – they're all possible with the KV1 Deluxe. The powerful heating elements and milk temperature sensor ensure the perfect drink emperature. Because the water and coffee are dispensed at the same time, the preparation time is quicker, particularly for caffè americano. The features of the Deluxe are rounded off by the incredibly intuitive touch display – for top coffee enjoyment at the touch of a button.

Вариативность, забота, завершенность и разнообразие Максимальная производительность для чистого удовольствия

  • Designed for 80 cups a day
  • Max. 40 120 ml cups of caffè crema per hour
  • 23 programs, pre-set, individually configurable
  • Setting options: 5 grinding levels, coffee dosing, water quantity, water temperature, milk quantity, video display
  • Bean container content: 1,000 g
  • Cleaning program
  • Milk frother
  • Coffee and milk frothing possible in parallel
  • Hot milk function
  • Hot water function
  • Water supply: Water tank (6-litre), water supply via external container or mains water connection
  • Height of spout can be adjusted between 110 and 165 mm
  • 2-cup function
  • Cup counter
  • 7-inch promotional display for video playback (with USB connection/Android system)
  • Automatic shutdown

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Производительность Пропускная способность

There is no question that the KV1 Deluxe with a cup capacity of up to 80 cups per hour can withstand a highly catering business. With the simultaneous dispensing of coffee and water, the corresponding types of coffee are also prepared particularly quickly - such as an Americano.

Impressive The drink variety

Невероятно разнообразный выбор вариантов кофе: 23 программы можно по отдельности отмечать иконками и сохранять. Это означает, что новая вариация кофе в любое время может быть добавлена или перепрограммирована в один миг. К тому же имеется функция подачи горячей воды или горячего молока. 

Вместительность Контейнер для зерен

Емкость для кофейных зерен впечатляет увеличенной вместимостью — до 1 000 г. Это экономит много сил и времени при пополнении кофейных зерен. 

Innovative The milk system

You need the milk froth to be the same for each cup of coffee of a certain kind? Even at different milk temperatures? Our answer? OK! The milk sensor on the appliance ensures optimum steam addition. In this way, thanks to its innovative frothing technology, the KV1 Deluxe ensures an unrivalled, constant milk froth quality.

Adaptable The water supply

Particularly for machines with a high throughput, a fixed water connection makes perfect sense. However, it's not always possible for one reason or another. We've allowed for this:  The 6-litre water tank and optional water supply via an external tank mean that this fully automated coffee machine will never run dry.

Perfekt Die Getränketemperatur

Gleich im Doppelpack trumpfen die beiden leistungsstarken Heizelemente mit jeweils 1.400 Watt auf. So wird über den Thermoblock eine Temperatur von bis zu 95 °C erreicht. Die logische Konsequenz, die sich daraus ergibt: perfekt temperierte Kaffee- und auch Teevariationen, deren Genuss unvergleichlich ist.

Durchdacht Die Touch-Menüführung

Bei einem vielseitigen Menü mit detaillierten Programmierungsoptionen ist eine intuitive Bedienung einfach ein Muss. Auswahlfelder, Drag-and-Drop-Optionen und eindeutige Symbole vereinfachen die Bedienung und informieren über den Getränke- sowie Geräte-Status. Das Display lädt mit Kurzvideos zu einer genussvollen Tasse Kaffee ein.

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