- Igiene
- Serie
Tecnologia di cottura
- Friggitrici
- Piastre per griglie
- Piastre per grigliate
- Girarrosti
- Forni ad aria calda
- Cucine
- Alta velocità
- Fornelli da banco
- Piastre a induzione
- Piastre a induzione per Wok
- Brasiere
- Pentole
- Stazioni di cottura
- Forni combinati
- Piastre elettriche in ghisa
- Tecnologia di cottura in negozio
- Griglie con pietra lavica
- Brasiere multifunzione
- Forno a bassa temperatura
- Cuocipasta
- Paella
- Forni per pizza
- Cuociriso
- Salamandra
- Sous-Vide
- Griglie a gas da appoggio
- Griglie ad acqua
- Apparecchi per wok
Tecnologia di riscaldamento
- Bain-Maries / bagni d'acqua
- Pasta per carburanti
- Carrelli per buffet
- Chafing dishes
- Banchi caldi
- Apparecchiature per hot dog
- Bagnomaria da appoggio
- Fontane di cioccolato
- Carrelli di servizio per alimenti
- Scaldavivande
- Pentole per zuppe
- Scaldatazze / Scaldapiatti
- Distributore di piatti
- Contenitore per il trasporto termico
- Piastre scaldavivande
- Lampade termiche
- Tavoli riscaldati
- Apparecchi per mantenere in caldo le patatine fritte
- Piastre riscaldanti / Rechauds
- Armadi di mantenimento
- Scaldasalsicce
Tecnologia di raffreddamento
- Carrello per buffet, freddo
- Produzione di gelato
- Maturatore per la carne
- Frigoriferi a pozzetto
- Banchi frigoriferi
- Frigoriferi
- Banchi refrigerati
- Vetrine refrigerate
- Celle frigorifere
- Insalatiere per pizza
- Insalatiere
- Raffreddatori veloci / Shock Frosters
- Frigoriferi a cassetto
- Congelamento profondo
- Frigoriferi a parete
- Cantine per vino
- Tecnologia di lavaggio
Accessori da cucina
- Vassoi espositivi
- Teglie da forno
- Cestino per le posate
- Coltello elettrico per kebab
- Apriscatole
- Contenitori per lo smaltimento dei grassi
- Bruciatore flambé
- Contenitori gastronorm
- Pentole
- Raschiatori combinati
- Pietre laviche
- Barre magnetiche
- Mandolini
- Affilacoltelli
- Taglierina per patatine fritte
- Dosatore per salse
- Prodotti per la pulizia
- Insalatiere
- Sale da cucina
- Taglieri
- Sterilizzatori
- Porzionatore di pasta
- Coltello per girare la pasta / divisore di pasta
- Termometro
- Guanti da forno
- Sacchi a vuoto
- Contenitore di stoccaggio
- Porta note
Piccoli elettrodomestici
- Affettatrici
- Apparecchi per crepes
- Taglierina per salsicce al curry
- Taglierine
- Coltello elettrico per kebab
- Disidratatori / essicatori
- Cuociuova
- Cucine elettriche
- Inteneritrice / macchina batticarne
- Tritacarne
- Fornelli a gas
- Taglia verdure
- Apparecchiature per hot dog
- Robot da cucina KitchenAid
- Bilance da cucina
- Microonde
- Padelle elettriche
- Macchine per la pasta
- Impastatrici planetarie
- Macchine per popcorn
- Macchine per pelare
- Macchine sigillatrici
- Frullatori manuali
- Pentole per zuppe
- Sfogliatrici per pasta
- Impastatrici
- Tostapane
- Affetta pomodori
- Macchine sottovuoto
- Piastra per waffle
- Scaldasalsicce
- Macchine per zucchero filato
Attrezzature per bevande e bar
- Frullatore e miscelatore
- Dissalatori
- Carta da filtro
- Distributori di bevande
- Pentole per vin brulé
- Distributori di vin brulé
- Distributore di acqua calda
- Macchine da caffè
- Accessori per il caffè
- Montalatte
- Frigoriferi per il latte
- Detergente
- Samovar
- Centrifughe / Spremiagrumi
- Macchine per Granite
- Scaldatazze / Scaldapiatti
- Bollitori per camera d'hotel con vassoio cortesia
- Bollitore
- Macchine da caffè e accessori
- Mobili
- Attrezzature alberghiere e per esterni
- Trasporto e stoccaggio
- Homepage del sito
- Products
Price range
Designed for
Core temperature sensor
- Lunghezza cavo 50 cm (1)
- No (29)
- Sì (1)
Order quantity unit
Number of doors
Gas type
Safety thermostat
Breite surface
Overload protection
Dry-run protection
Number of grills areas
With pouring rim
Tiefe surface
Type of door
Cleaning agent dosing pump
Pulse function
Disk thickness can be regulated
Temperature loss / hour approx.
Material filter
Number of burners
Bakery norm
Width cooking grille
Roasting surface design
Number of hobs
Load-bearing capacity per shelf
Number of levels
Storage capacity
Sous-Vide suitable
- sì (10)
With knee operation
Heating element
Number of pumps
Number of intermediate shelves
Water tank capacity
Start/Stop automatic via infrared sensor
GN container stopper
- sì (4)
Cutting length
Water outlet
Tilting device
Digital display
Production max.
Height-adjustable intermediate shelves
Rpm max.
Protection class
Material boiler
Number of boilers
Intermediate shelf
Tray size max.
Number of motors
Designed for
Number of polishing heads
Material hob
Operated via
Output per heated tube
Oven functions
Inner pot
Fan speed
- 1 velocità (12)
- 10 passi (6)
- 2 velocità (4)
- 3 velocità (28)
- 6 velocità (1)
- Da 10 % a 100 % (2)
- In step da 10 (2)
With casters
Material mixing beaker
Drip water evaporation
Minimum brewing quantity
Norm-format drawers
Pasta size
Temperature range from
Position sink
Number of cupboards
Width shelves
Number of heated tubes
Filling level check
Material grill surface
Content can
Draining board
Power gas
Number of cooking programs
Application scope
Design crêpe trays
USB connection
Storage container capacity
Can be used in
Number of filters
Pizza oven series
Glove dispenser device
Maximum vacuum
Safety glass
Basket dimensions
Temperature range to
Drying time max.
Method of killing insects
Inside height
Heating output
Oven volume
Heat source type
Number of crêpe plates
Operating mode
Warm-keeping function
Diameter basin
Load-bearing capacity max.
Burner diameter
Drain cock
Can be washed
Diameter boiler
Can be installed
Number of heat lamps
With foamed evaporator
- sì (8)
Production quantity rice
Water softener
Material pan
Arrangement of the hobs
Swivelling outlet
Manual time setting
Design grill surface
Material mixing rod
Compartment size
Depth tank
Climate class
Height-adjustable heating element
Production max.
Width glass field
Load-bearing capacity per shelf
With cleaning system
Number of tanks
Grill output
Ignition type
Filling quantity mixing beaker
Effective radius
Number of baskets
Position of the door
Roll length
Norm-format cabinets
Number of skewers
Height pan
Width crucible
Content bean container
Number of drawers
Filling quantity
Fitting type
Waffle form
Pump system
Material work surface
Diameter cups max.
Flame protection filter
Number of magnetrons
Height tank
Assembly type
Number of output levels
Including toast tongs
Double-walled basin
Material warming plate
Water dispensed via a knee lever
Reverse run
Drawers refrigerated
Germ guard
Water drain tap
Sub-counter unit type
Upper / lower heat can be controlled separately
Production quantity dough
Number of pots
Bag size
Useful height inside
Output max.
Design base
Cold zone
With active carbon
Water connection
Load-bearing capacity max.
Number of heating levels
Number of heating elements
Content / can
With checkout area
Design inside
Basin size
Top with lid
Number of heating zones
Weighing range up to
Oven power
Depth container
With rotary plate
Width roll
Cutting height
Designed for
Height boiler
Content mixing beaker
Cupboards refrigerated
Cutting thickness
Dough diameter up to max.
Heat-up time
With waste collector
With temperature sensor
Heating type
Capacity cups
Chamber dimensions
Automatic shutdown
Delivery state
Pasta type
Oven type
Material hob
Number of slits
Output hob(s) max.
Baking trays can be rotated
Heat resistant
- sì (1)
Plate height max
Unger system
Storage capacity collection tray
Can be fitted below the counter
Pot recognition
Material grill plates
Protective grid
Depth GN container max.
Can be refilled
Grease release tap
Automatic defrosting function
Capacity GN
Design shelves
Air output
Number of drawers
Number of warming plates
Height-adjustable cooking grill
Hot water function
Hot milk function
Ambient temperature
Number of shelves
Lock button (child protection)
Water supply tap
Maximum output
Overheating protection
Designed for
Number of fuel past containers
Basket size
Number of grille shelves
Beaker content
Length welding rod
Heat source
Flame can be regulated
- sì (2)
Numer of toast tongs
With glass top
Ground coffee option
Heating type
With filling chute
- sì (2)
Stopper edge
Design can(s)
Number of cooking phases
Width roasting surface
Width work surface
- sì (8)
Number of dispensers
Carrying handle
Settable programs
Operating temperature max.
Glasses height max.
LED display
Lye pump
Shelf type
Output / hour max.
Format drawers
Type of cooking grille
Height-adjustable shelves
Material crucible
Diameter hob
Useful content
Type of hobs
Paper folding
Pizza capacity
Basket content
Can be loaded from both sides
- sì (13)
Mixing rod detachable
Number of shelves
With chopping board (polyethylene)
Loading type
Width grill surface
Filling level display
Juice groove
Desalination type
Pilot flame
Number of baking chambers
Polishing/drying type
Type of drawers
Microwave output
Heat resistant to
Automatic activation function
Production by means of
Canning pot
Mixers can be switched separately
- sì (1)
Design knife
Grease collection tank
Capacity plates
Burning duration/can approx.
Height crucible
Brewing group(s)
Width pan
Rpm mixer max.
Gas burner
Warming plates can be switched separately
Filling quantity rice - boiled
Knife type
Aggiunto al carrello
Disponibilità del prodotto in magazzino