- Igiene
- Serie
Tecnologia di cottura
- Friggitrici
- Piastre per griglie
- Piastre per grigliate
- Girarrosti
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- Cucine
- Alta velocità
- Fornelli da banco
- Piastre a induzione
- Piastre a induzione per Wok
- Brasiere
- Pentole
- Stazioni di cottura
- Forni combinati
- Piastre elettriche in ghisa
- Tecnologia di cottura in negozio
- Griglie con pietra lavica
- Brasiere multifunzione
- Forno a bassa temperatura
- Cuocipasta
- Paella
- Forni per pizza
- Cuociriso
- Salamandra
- Sous-Vide
- Griglie a gas da appoggio
- Griglie ad acqua
- Apparecchi per wok
Tecnologia di riscaldamento
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- Carrelli per buffet
- Chafing dishes
- Banchi caldi
- Apparecchiature per hot dog
- Bagnomaria da appoggio
- Fontane di cioccolato
- Carrelli di servizio per alimenti
- Scaldavivande
- Pentole per zuppe
- Scaldatazze / Scaldapiatti
- Distributore di piatti
- Contenitore per il trasporto termico
- Piastre scaldavivande
- Lampade termiche
- Tavoli riscaldati
- Apparecchi per mantenere in caldo le patatine fritte
- Piastre riscaldanti / Rechauds
- Armadi di mantenimento
- Scaldasalsicce
Tecnologia di raffreddamento
- Carrello per buffet, freddo
- Produzione di gelato
- Maturatore per la carne
- Frigoriferi a pozzetto
- Banchi frigoriferi
- Frigoriferi
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- Insalatiere
- Raffreddatori veloci / Shock Frosters
- Frigoriferi a cassetto
- Congelamento profondo
- Frigoriferi a parete
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- Tecnologia di lavaggio
Accessori da cucina
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- Coltello elettrico per kebab
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- Bruciatore flambé
- Contenitori gastronorm
- Pentole
- Raschiatori combinati
- Pietre laviche
- Barre magnetiche
- Mandolini
- Affilacoltelli
- Taglierina per patatine fritte
- Dosatore per salse
- Prodotti per la pulizia
- Insalatiere
- Sale da cucina
- Taglieri
- Sterilizzatori
- Porzionatore di pasta
- Coltello per girare la pasta / divisore di pasta
- Termometro
- Guanti da forno
- Sacchi a vuoto
- Contenitore di stoccaggio
- Porta note
Piccoli elettrodomestici
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- Apparecchi per crepes
- Taglierina per salsicce al curry
- Taglierine
- Coltello elettrico per kebab
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- Cucine elettriche
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- Apparecchiature per hot dog
- Robot da cucina KitchenAid
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- Impastatrici planetarie
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- Macchine per pelare
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- Sfogliatrici per pasta
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Attrezzature per bevande e bar
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Press review

Già per la dodicesima volta. Siamo stati onorati di ricevere l'ambito premio dei lettori "BEST of Market" per la seconda volta consecutiva.
Quest'anno, il nostro Frullatore Pro Xtra 2,5 l nella categoria "TECNOLOGIA BESTSELLER".
Desideriamo ringraziare tutti i ristoratori e gli albergatori per il rinnovo del premio e per la loro continua fiducia nei nostri prodotti.
Leggete il comunicato stampa ufficiale di B&L Verlag.

Managing Director Andreas Heumüller, Head of Marketing Markus Kosfeld, and Head of Sales Detlev Domingos Schlünder formed a competent circle of speakers at a teleconference with Trendkompass. The reason: The launch of the new warehouse shop in April, where specialist trade partners and industrial end customers can acquire discontinued products and damaged/overhauled products from Bartscher online.
In addition, at www.bartscher-warehouse.com, all industrial users of Bartscher appliances can...
The founders of Chefs & Butchers actually wanted to put on events rather than manage a restaurant themselves. However, in the end there was a different solution to their shared passion: Brother and sister Bettina Möller and Stefan Burchhardt, both qualified butchers, and chef Michael Scheil wanted to truly impress their guests with great food and wine on an interpersonal level.
In February 2018, they had their first look at a loft situated in Werden, South Essen. "Initially, nobody really thought success was on the cards. For one thing, there were the stairs," explains Stefan Burchhardt. "Nobody will want to climb them!" Today, this is what he says to sceptics: "Go up and take a look outside! The further up you go, the prettier things are." In addition, the stairs give a hint of exclusivity, since...
The size of the salamander – as a rule, the appliances measure around 60 x 35 x 55 cm (W x D x H) – increases user-friendliness, since these devices will fit into even small catering kitchens or behind the bar at a café. Important for food truck caterers: Even in a food truck...

To the council and administrative leaders in Salzkotten, dialogue and the regular exchange of information with local companies are really important. The town's business developers and council representatives have now paid a visit to Bartscher. These visits aim to consolidate contacts and, at the same time, obtain information about current developments in the local economy. In past years, Condor Medicaltechnik, ASO, Ulrich Rotte Anlagenbau und Fördertechnik, Deutsche Saatveredelung, and Sägewerk & Kistenfabrik Carl Alpmann have been visited. Following an initial visit in 2011, this was the second visit of the council and administrative leaders to Bartscher.
Bartscher GmbH, which was founded by Anton Bartscher in Geseke in 1876, is one of Europe's leading companies in the large kitchen sector.

A important employer: This company, which employs 165 people, has been committed to Salzkotten for more than 40 years. And it's important for associations, too.
In order to support the local economy, council members and administrative leaders in Salzkotten have now visited Bartscher for a second time. Together, Managing Director Andreas Heumüller and Head of Sales for Germany Detlev Schlünder talk about the development of the company. During a tour...

Bartscher has established itself in Salzkotten, in East Western Westphalia, without ever standing still. Instead, this full-range supplier for industrial kitchen technology has developed itself both in terms of its site and strategically over the past few years. The Trendkompass editorial team caught up with Managing Director Andreas Heumüller and Head of Marketing Markus Kosfeld.

Bartscher is investing heavily to expand storage areas and office space. This will allow the range to be further extended and the company's delivery capacity to be increased.

"The caterer as an entrepreneur" - in Paderborn, Mario Voss is performing this role in an exemplary fashion. His small empire is made up of delicatessens, lunch restaurants, takeaway outlets, and market stalls. In each of these areas, it provides a certain extra kick.

How important is a print-form catalogue for specialist dealers still?
Shortly before the appearance of a new catalogue, GastroSpiegel spoke with Bartscher Managing Director Andreas Heumüller.

After careful preparation, Bartscher has opened a new online shop for specialist dealers. This allows registered dealers to select and order goods from the entire range more quickly and easily. The end customer can acquire information online and send a wish list to their retailer for a custom quotation.

Salzkotten-based Bartscher was the host of the 33rd Geseke Company Forum in mid-July. Owner Hans-Josef Bartscher, a native of Geseke and Member of the Board of Seniors of Geseker-Wirtschafts-Netzwerk e.V. (GWN), and Andreas Heumüller, Managing Director of Bartscher GmbH, invited the Geseke companies to the neighbouring town.
To full item
Bartscher equips the Puravia Academy of Dr. Becher GmbH with appliances for large kitchens. For more information about the academy, see the following pages:
To the official website
Thanks to intelligent technology and diverse possibilities, combi steamers provide top benefits for baking, (combi) steaming, roasting, regenerating, and low-temperature cooking.
The constant further development of appliances has...

Bartscher's headquarters are located in Salzkotten, in the midst of rural Westphalia, not far from Paderborn.
An encounter with Managing Director Andreas Heumüller and Head of Marketing Markus Kosfeld.

Thanks to some investments and innovations, Bartscher placed a stronger focus on retail trade in 2014. Above all, order handling now takes place more quickly and effectively using SAP systems.