- Hygiene
- Series
Cooking technology
- Deep fat fryers
- Griddle plates
- Grill plates
- Chicken chills
- Convection ovens
- Ranges
- High-speed ovens
- Stock-pot stove
- Induction cookers
- Induction woks
- Tilted frying pan
- Cooking pot
- Cooking stations
- Combi-steamers
- Contact grills
- In-store baking technology
- Lava stone grills
- Multi-roaster
- Low-temperature cookers
- Pasta cooker
- Paella
- Pizza ovens
- Rice cooker
- Salamander
- Sous-Vide
- Table-top roaster
- Water grills
- Wok units
Warming technology
- Bain-Maries / Water baths
- Fuel paste
- Buffet trolley
- Chafing dishes
- Hot counters
- Hot-Dog units
- Hotpots
- Chocolate fountains
- Food dispensing trolley
- Food warmers
- Soup pots
- Cup warmers / plate warmers
- Plate dispenser
- Thermal transport container
- Heat bridges
- Thermal lamps
- Heated cabinets
- Warming devices for french fries
- Warming plates / rechauds
- Warming cabinets
- Sausage warmers
- Cooling equipment
- Dishwashing equipment
Accesorios de cocina
- Bandeja de presentación
- Bandejas de horno
- Cuberteros
- Cortador de kebab
- Abrelatas
- Recipientes colectores de grasa
- Soplete
- Cubeta Gastronorm
- Batería de cocina
- Raspador
- Piedras volcánicas
- Bandas magnéticas
- Mandolinas
- Afilador de cuchillos
- Cortadores de patatas fritas
- Dispensadores
- Detergentes
- Centrifugadora de ensalada
- Saleros
- Tablas de corte
- Esterilizadores
- Dosificadores de masa
- Espátulas para crepes / Distribuidores de masa
- Termómetros
- Manoplas
- Bolsas para envasado al vacío
- Recipiente de almacenamiento
- Porta-notas
Pequeños aparatos
- Cortafiambres
- Creperas
- Cortadores de salchichas
- Cutter
- Cortador de kebab
- Deshidratadores
- Hervidor de huevos
- Hornillos eléctricos
- Ablandadores de carne
- Picadoras de carne
- Hornillos a gas
- Cortadoras de verdura
- Maquinas de perritos calientes
- Robots de cocina / KitchenAid
- Básculas de cocina
- Microondas
- Sartenes multifunción
- Máquina de pasta
- Mezcladoras planetarias
- Máquinas de palomitas
- Peladoras
- Máquinas de sellado
- Batidoras de brazo
- Marmitas de sopa
- Laminadoras
- Amasadoras
- Tostadoras
- Cortador de tomates
- Envasadoras al vacío
- Gofreras
- Calentadores de salchichas
- Máquinas de algodón de azúcar
Bebidas & equipamiento para bares
- Licuadoras & batidoras
- Descalcificadores
- Papel de filtro
- Dispensador de bebidas
- Olla para vino caliente
- Dispensadores de vino caliente
- Dispensadores de agua caliente
- Máquinas de café
- Accesorios para el café
- Espumador de leche
- Refrigeradores de leche
- Limpiador
- Samovares
- Exprimidores
- Granizadoras
- Calientaplatos/Calientatazas
- Estaciones de té
- Hervidor
- Máquinas de café & accesorios
- Muebles
- Equipamiento para hoteles & Outdoor
- Transporte & Almacenamiento
- Start page
- Products
- Small appliances
- Curry sausage cutters
- Sausage slicer DSM3500E
Fast and reliable: The currywurst cutter with automatic switch-on function ensures an uncomplicated and fast workflow, even at peak times. The thickness of the slices can be adjusted according to the sausage type so it can be used as required.
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Power | 0.135 kW |
Voltage | 230 V |
Frequency | 50 Hz |
Automatic activation function | yes |
ON/OFF switch | yes |
Diameter filling shaft | 47 mm |
Operation | Electronic |
Knife type | Double sickle knife |
Disk thickness can be regulated | yes |
Disk thickness | 5 - 35 mm |
Material | Chrome-nickel steel |
Important information | - |
Width | 185 mm |
Depth | 210 mm |
Height | 325 mm |
Weight | 6.9 kg |
- Data sheet
- Wiring diagram
- Exploded view
- Operating instructions (English)
- Operating instructions (Deutsch)
- Operating instructions (Español)
- Operating instructions (Français)
- Operating instructions (Italiano)
- Operating instructions (Português do Brasil)
- Operating instructions (Русский)
- Operating instructions (Nederlands)
- Operating instructions (Polski)
- Operating instructions (Dansk)
- Operating instructions (Magyar)
- Operating instructions (Türkçe)
- Operating instructions (Ελληνικά)
- Operating instructions (Čeština)
- Operating instructions (Hrvatski)
- Operating instructions (українська)
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