- Hygiene
- Series
Cooking technology
- Deep fat fryers
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- Grill plates
- Chicken chills
- Convection ovens
- Ranges
- High-speed ovens
- Stock-pot stove
- Induction cookers
- Induction woks
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- Low-temperature cookers
- Pasta cooker
- Paella
- Pizza ovens
- Rice cooker
- Salamander
- Sous-Vide
- Table-top roaster
- Water grills
- Wok units
Warming technology
- Baños maría
- Gel combustible
- Carros buffet
- Chafing Dishes
- Vitrinas calientes
- Maquinas de perritos calientes
- Baños maría
- Fuentes de chocolate
- Carros baño maría
- Calentador de comida
- Marmitas de sopa
- Calientaplatos/Calientatazas
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- Calentadores
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- Armarios calentadores
- Mantenedor de patatas fritas
- Placas calentadoras / Rechauds
- Vitrinas calientes
- Calentadores de salchichas
Gama de refrigeración
- Carros buffet
- Producción de hielo y helado
- Armarios de maduración de carne
- Refrigeradores para ventas impulsivas
- Vitrinas frías
- Frigoríficos
- Mesas de enfriamiento
- Vitrinas refrigeradas
- Cámara frigorífica
- Saladettes para pizza
- Saladettes
- Abatidores de temperatura
- Refrigerador con cajones
- Congeladores
- Vitrina expositora refrigerada
- Refrigeradores para vino
- Fregado
Accesorios de cocina
- Bandeja de presentación
- Bandejas de horno
- Cuberteros
- Cortador de kebab
- Abrelatas
- Recipientes colectores de grasa
- Soplete
- Cubeta Gastronorm
- Batería de cocina
- Raspador
- Piedras volcánicas
- Bandas magnéticas
- Mandolinas
- Afilador de cuchillos
- Cortadores de patatas fritas
- Dispensadores
- Detergentes
- Centrifugadora de ensalada
- Saleros
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- Esterilizadores
- Dosificadores de masa
- Espátulas para crepes / Distribuidores de masa
- Termómetros
- Manoplas
- Bolsas para envasado al vacío
- Recipiente de almacenamiento
- Porta-notas
Pequeños aparatos
- Cortafiambres
- Creperas
- Cortadores de salchichas
- Cutter
- Cortador de kebab
- Deshidratadores
- Hervidor de huevos
- Hornillos eléctricos
- Ablandadores de carne
- Picadoras de carne
- Hornillos a gas
- Cortadoras de verdura
- Maquinas de perritos calientes
- Robots de cocina / KitchenAid
- Básculas de cocina
- Microondas
- Sartenes multifunción
- Máquina de pasta
- Mezcladoras planetarias
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- Peladoras
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- Laminadoras
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- Cortador de tomates
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- Gofreras
- Calentadores de salchichas
- Máquinas de algodón de azúcar
Bebidas & equipamiento para bares
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- Papel de filtro
- Dispensador de bebidas
- Olla para vino caliente
- Dispensadores de vino caliente
- Dispensadores de agua caliente
- Máquinas de café
- Accesorios para el café
- Espumador de leche
- Refrigeradores de leche
- Limpiador
- Samovares
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- Muebles
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- Start page
- Products
- Cooking technology
- Ranges
- Gas ranges
- Gas stove MFG 7360
The gas oven series MFG – Starter models for the professional field in a solid design made of stainless steel. Due to the intuitive operation with a pilot flame, they are ideally suited for everyday use in the kitchen.
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Oven voltage | 400 V |
Oven connection | 2 NAC |
Temperature range from | 100 °C |
Temperature range to | 300 °C |
Oven functions | Upper / lower heat |
Multifunctional oven | no |
Oven type | Electro |
Vapour extractor | yes |
Oven connected load | 6 kW |
Width oven | 650 mm |
Depth oven | 580 mm |
Height oven | 260 mm |
Sub-counter unit type | Open |
Gastronorm | 2/1 GN |
Height-adjustable from | 910 mm |
Height-adjustable to | 955 mm |
Gas type |
Natural gas H (20 mbar)
Liquid gas (50 mbar) and natural gas nozzles L (20 mbar) are enclosed |
Gas burner | Single burner |
Ignition type | Manual ignition |
Pilot flame | yes |
Series | MFG |
Type | Upright unit |
Operating mode | Electro / gas |
Type of hobs | Gas |
Number of hobs | 6 |
Distribution of hobs | 3 x 3,5 kW, 3 x 6 kW |
Size hobs | 330 x 300 mm |
Height-adjustable feet | yes |
Properties |
Cast iron grille
Gas burner with ignition guard Stainless steel handles |
Including | 1 grid |
Power | 28.5 kW |
Material | Stainless steel |
Important information | - |
Width | 1,200 mm |
Depth | 700 mm |
Height | 910 mm |
Weight | 129.4 kg |
- Data sheet
- Wiring diagram
- Exploded view
- Operating instructions (English)
- Operating instructions (Deutsch)
- Operating instructions (Español)
- Operating instructions (Français)
- Operating instructions (Italiano)
- Operating instructions (Português do Brasil)
- Operating instructions (Русский)
- Operating instructions (Nederlands)
- Operating instructions (Polski)
- Operating instructions (Dansk)
- Operating instructions (Magyar)
- Operating instructions (Türkçe)
- Operating instructions (Ελληνικά)
- Operating instructions (Čeština)
- Operating instructions (Hrvatski)
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