- Hygiene
- Series
Cooking technology
- Deep fat fryers
- Griddle plates
- Grill plates
- Chicken chills
- Convection ovens
- Ranges
- High-speed ovens
- Stock-pot stove
- Induction cookers
- Induction woks
- Tilted frying pan
- Cooking pot
- Cooking stations
- Combi-steamers
- Contact grills
- In-store baking technology
- Lava stone grills
- Multi-roaster
- Low-temperature cookers
- Pasta cooker
- Paella
- Pizza ovens
- Rice cooker
- Salamander
- Sous-Vide
- Table-top roaster
- Water grills
- Wok units
Warming technology
- Bain-Maries / Water baths
- Fuel paste
- Buffet trolley
- Chafing dishes
- Hot counters
- Hot-Dog units
- Hotpots
- Chocolate fountains
- Food dispensing trolley
- Food warmers
- Soup pots
- Cup warmers / plate warmers
- Plate dispenser
- Thermal transport container
- Heat bridges
- Thermal lamps
- Heated cabinets
- Warming devices for french fries
- Warming plates / rechauds
- Warming cabinets
- Sausage warmers
- Cooling equipment
- Dishwashing equipment
Accessori da cucina
- Vassoi espositivi
- Teglie da forno
- Cestino per le posate
- Coltello elettrico per kebab
- Apriscatole
- Contenitori per lo smaltimento dei grassi
- Bruciatore flambé
- Contenitori gastronorm
- Pentole
- Raschiatori combinati
- Pietre laviche
- Barre magnetiche
- Mandolini
- Affilacoltelli
- Taglierina per patatine fritte
- Dosatore per salse
- Prodotti per la pulizia
- Insalatiere
- Sale da cucina
- Taglieri
- Sterilizzatori
- Porzionatore di pasta
- Coltello per girare la pasta / divisore di pasta
- Termometro
- Guanti da forno
- Sacchi a vuoto
- Contenitore di stoccaggio
- Porta note
Piccoli elettrodomestici
- Affettatrici
- Apparecchi per crepes
- Taglierina per salsicce al curry
- Taglierine
- Coltello elettrico per kebab
- Disidratatori / essicatori
- Cuociuova
- Cucine elettriche
- Inteneritrice / macchina batticarne
- Tritacarne
- Fornelli a gas
- Taglia verdure
- Apparecchiature per hot dog
- Robot da cucina KitchenAid
- Bilance da cucina
- Microonde
- Padelle elettriche
- Macchine per la pasta
- Impastatrici planetarie
- Macchine per popcorn
- Macchine per pelare
- Macchine sigillatrici
- Frullatori manuali
- Pentole per zuppe
- Sfogliatrici per pasta
- Impastatrici
- Tostapane
- Affetta pomodori
- Macchine sottovuoto
- Piastra per waffle
- Scaldasalsicce
- Macchine per zucchero filato
Attrezzature per bevande e bar
- Blendery & miksery
- Odkamieniacze
- Papier filtracyjny
- Dyspensery do napojów
- Warniki do grzanego wina
- Nalewaki do grzanego wina
- Warniki do wody
- Ekspresy do kawy
- Akcesoria do kawy
- Spieniacze do mleka
- Lodówki na mleko
- Czyszczący
- Samowary
- Wyciskarki do soku / wyciskarki do cytrusów
- Maszyny do robienia slushy
- Podgrzewacze do filiżanek / podgrzewacze do talerzy
- Stacje do przygotowania herbaty
- Czajnik
- Ekspresy do kawy & akcesoria
- Meble
- Wyposażenie hotelowe & outdoor
- Transport & przechowywanie
- Start page
- Products
- Accessories
- Ice cream container 5000
Really cool This ice cream container can hold up to 5 litres of ice cream. After the ice cream has been made, it can be placed straight into the container, allowing empty containers in the ice cream cabinet to be quickly swapped for full ones as needed. The robust stainless steel design means that the container is completely dishwasher-safe.
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Designed for |
Ice cabinet 4x6,L-F
Ice cabinet 2x5L-F Ice cabinet 3x5L-F |
Content | 5 litre(s) |
Dishwasher-suitable | yes |
Material | Stainless steel |
Important information | - |
Width | 165 mm |
Depth | 360 mm |
Height | 125 mm |
Weight | 0.616 kg |